Friday November 15th, 2024 - 9:45PM
Location : The Attic Columbus, 892 Oak Street, Columbus, OH
Carlos Sánchez es pionero del stand-up comedy en la República Dominicana, con más de 21 años de trayectoria. Conocido por su estilo sencillo y humor cotidiano sobre la familia, ha conquistado los escenarios nacionales e internacionales con más de 150 presentaciones al año. Además de llenar teatros en su país, ha llevado su comedia a ciudades como Nueva York, Miami, y Madrid. Carlos ha compartido escenario con grandes figuras y ha trabajado con marcas como Claro y Diario Libre. ¡Prepárate para una noche inolvidable de risas con el rey del stand-up!
Carlos Sánchez is a pioneer of stand-up comedy in the Dominican Republic, with over 21 years in the industry. Known for his relatable, family-centered humor and simple, conversational style, he performs over 150 shows annually, both locally and internationally. He has sold out major theaters in the Dominican Republic and brought his comedy to cities like New York, Miami, and Madrid. Carlos has shared the stage with top comedians and worked with brands like Claro and Diario Libre. Get ready for an unforgettable night of laughs with the king of stand-up!
Carlos Sánchez is a pioneer of stand-up comedy in the Dominican Republic, with over 21 years in the industry. Known for his relatable, family-centered humor and simple, conversational style, he performs over 150 shows annually, both locally and internationally. He has sold out major theaters in the Dominican Republic and brought his comedy to cities like New York, Miami, and Madrid. Carlos has shared the stage with top comedians and worked with brands like Claro and Diario Libre. Get ready for an unforgettable night of laughs with the king of stand-up!